An anointed prophet, evangelist, teacher, pastor and an ordained minister, Samuel Meesala has been serving the Lord Jesus Christ for the past 25 years. He is a chosen vessel of God & has been summoned and called by God to be a prophet to many nations (Jeremiah 1:5, Ephesians 4:11). Many have been drawn close to the Lord through his teachings and prophetic ministry. He is strongly mission-minded, and his heart goes out to the lost all around the world.
He is married to his beloved wife, Tiffany, who is also a graduate in Religious Studies. She shares in her husband’s passion for ministry and together (in the guidance of the Holy Spirit), they raise their precious Seventeen-year-old son, Joshua. The Meesala’s are strongly empowered in the love of Christ Jesus and in the power (gifts) of His Holy Spirit. Samuel has a genuine heart of a bondservant of God as he, along with his family, witness for God and minister to the people, as God directs. He strives to always seek the best for others through the love of God and seeks only to glorify God in Spirit and in truth. If you would like to invite Evg.Prophet Samuel Meesala to speak at your church, gathering or nation, please contact us!

Meesala, Samuel. “Jesus Anoints Ministries.” Jesus Anoints Ministries, 7 Nov. 2008,